Why does India need Dustproof & Low Maintenance uPVC Windows?

Low Maintenance uPVC windows

Due to its geography, India is a perennial dusty country. People adapt to the natural environments in rural and urban areas where construction work, mud, smog and other polluting factors dominate. Now there are several ways to create barriers to avoid this nuisance and accompanying noise and contamination. Keeping these unhealthy elements away continues to be a challenge. Yet, people breathe freely in homes, offices, schools, and business establishments. To remain healthy, it is important to have windows and doors that keep the premises worth living. This is one of the biggest reasons why India needs dustproof and low maintenance uPVC windows of good quality.

VEKA is proud to be one of the best dustproof uPVC windows suppliers in India for diverse properties in urban and semi-urban areas. We actively contribute towards healthy living through our advanced window systems.

We have spent years understanding the dusty environment in many places within the country. Our experts explain why low maintenance uPVC windows manufacturers are in demand.

uPVC windows

Need to control air pollution in India

Due to the unhealthy environment people develop asthma and other respiratory diseases in India. Dust allergy and TB are common in areas where infrastructure is continuously developed. A proper management plan is required by homeowners living in close vicinity. The uPVC windows play a large role in keeping the indoor environment clean. In metro cities construction sites are the major cause of noise and air pollution. The best early warning system lies in being safe at home with close knit window systems.

Why is the home safer?

With the advent of COVID-19, safe homes are very essential. Even in a work-from-home environment we still need to relax and stay away from the hustle and bustle outside. The choice of right products adds to the health quotient for all family members. Currently, low maintenance uPVC Windows manufacturers like VEKA are making a good contribution in this regard. Since uPVC is an eco-friendly material, it provides the perfect solution for creating the barrier for dust and pollution to stay outdoors.

uPVC helps to breathe better

This is one of the oldest polymers to be in use for making windows. It is low cost, non-toxic, and very versatile. Hence it is applicable to dusty Indian conditions. The thick uPVC material film blocks the harsh sunlight in peak summer months from entering homes & heating the place up. VEKA gives high performance products with good quality uPVC profiles assuring a cleaner and greener environment. People with respiratory problems are advised to install uPVC windows so the medical condition is not aggravated further.

VEKA gives High Performance Products

Is uPVC still expensive?

If you consider the fact that uPVC windows will remain in a good condition for decades it is easy to understand its low maintenance qualities. Yes, it is expensive compared to commonly used aluminium window systems, but it is a one-time cost. It also provides functional ease and is primarily the best option to keep dust particles out. Now that health is in focus due to COVID-19, it is the best time to engage a company that delivers solutions for you to breathe fresh air. As a material it is recyclable and still less harmful to the overall environment and is the best filter to cancel noise. VEKA technicians check the premises before giving the best advice to install double glazed or triple glazed frames. They also take into account the location, cost and structural elements to provide the suitable window system to customers.

Keeping the experience of creating such strong channels for well being is important for VEKA to remain as the top dust proof uPVC windows suppliers in India.  With the best locking systems to seal the indoor environment from dust it is time for you to take a call.

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