Will you choose VEKA uPVC Windows if we share its Health Benefits?

Opening a window pane in a congested environment is essential. It is a relief when fresh air breezes inside and makes us feel better. The effects of COVID-19 are still prevalent in some places. Observing social distancing and breathing free reduces the occurrence of imminent respiratory ailments. Windows are instrumental in giving families the goodness of the environment. The best quality uPVC windows manufacturers understand the need for good fresh air indoors and recommend alternatives.
VEKA would like to share several health benefits of uPVC windows to make stay-at-home more comfortable. More people in polluted cities spend time inside the house and require clean air to remain free from breathing problems.
When does a home become cause for illness?
Do you know sometimes the air quality inside the house is worse than it is outdoors? When windows and doors are not opened regularly germs, noise and pollutants become the major culprits. Household appliances, electronic systems, AC ducts spread a variety of toxins. With pets like cats and dogs, allergens spread and dust mites add problems to the unhealthy living space. Since, public smoking is banned, people puff cigarettes at home which also contribute to the bad air quality.
Several households use cleaning products which contain deadly chemicals. Sprays are used while cleaning carpets or kitchens. If a cockroach, rodent, insect or pest can be killed by such a product it is likely to affect our health as well. Even a few hygiene products like sanitizers contribute to illness and skin irritation.
During summer days, the problems worsen if outdoor pollutants enter the house. If we go by weather reports the air quality index is bad in most Indian cities. Neighborhoods close to highways and dense traffic areas face problems during peak hours in the morning and evening.
These are major factors that spread diseases in poorly ventilated buildings in India.
So what do we do when we are stuck at home for long hours?
Reliance on window openings
Open windows for a breath of fresh air. Let the staleness go out and allow the fresh breeze to replace the bad order. There is no point in adjusting the air conditioner to remove the bad smell in a closed room.
VEKA stresses on the health benefits of uPVC windows. The following points will urge you to think about poor ventilation in lieu of better living.
India is a country where the climate zones are uneven. Both heat and cold create problems for residents. As weather patterns change, there is a need to push the button for uPVC material for fixtures. Challenges for battling heat and cold are overcome with double-glazed and triple glazed windows. Intense heat waves cannot be minimized. But the indoor environment can be insulated by uPVC windows. These fixtures are made from reinforced materials to withstand gusts of winds. Double and triple glazed glass types ensure there are no gaps to escape. So heat cannot enter and moisture does not build up.
Eliminate bacteria and viral loads
Due to the tight sealants in properly framed windows, dust, mites and small bacterial loads find it difficult to enter the house. This is the best way to increase the health quotient of the family members. There are many ways to improve the quality of life and this is one excellent choice if you stay at home for long hours. With good practices the allergens are reduced and do not harm the skin.
The best quality uPVC windows manufacturers like VEKA believe health is more important than aesthetic value for installation of its products. We highly recommended homeowners to choose our uPVC windows. We look forward to improving the indoor air quality of your premises.