Versatile options for making stellar windows focus on three important things: ventilation & airing, sunlight, and insulation. Along with the materials, the cost is a critical factor on which is based a buyer’s decision....
Most Indian homes (and other commercial properties) are designed to permit sunlight inside through windows and grilled doors. It impacts the ambience by creating an imbalance. In summer, humidity is the issue, and in...
There is no doubt that double-glazed windows add value to a villa, office or apartment. Keeping them in a pristine condition is important for their functionality in strong summer months and winters. There are...
Hot summer months are challenging, and one way to beat the heat is to stay inside cool homes or offices. Today, there are several choices to control the temperature without the fear of getting...
In old windows, silicone sealants are still in use. But are they effective? As people move towards alternatives like uPVC windows and doors, it is natural that sealants of an improved quality will perform...