Miscellaneous parts

Part Name Drawings VEKA Code Description Application
Mullion Blocks casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 22602-20300 Casement Mullion Block Mechanical jointing of Casement T-mullion with Casement frame.
casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 22612-20400 Sliding Mullion Block Mechanical jointing of Sliding T-mullion with Sliding sashes.
Shoot Bolt casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 2000D-04400 French Shoot Bolt (including Striker) Locking of slave sash with the frame (top and bottom) in French window / door.
Wool Piles casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 21919-17458 Wool Pile 5 x 8 mm, grey (with fin) For Sash Covers (Interlocks) to seal the gap between sash overlaps.
21919-17566 Wool Pile 6 x 6 mm, grey For sliding sashes to seal the gaps on both sides of the sliding track.
21919-17710 Wool Pile 6 x 10 mm, grey To seal the gap between glass sash and fly-screen sash
Fly-screen Mesh (fibreglass) casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 20818-17909 Fly-screen mesh – 90 cm width x 30 mtrs Mesh for fly-screen sashes
20818-18012 Fly-screen mesh – 120 cm width x 30 mtrs
Fly-screen Gasket casement-mullion-block Miscellaneous parts 21016-18305 Fly-screen Gasket (for Adaptor & I-75 screen sashes) Mesh fixing in fly-screen sashes
21016-18406 Fly-screen Gasket 6 mm (for 2.5T system)